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If containment of a flammable liquid is lost and the consequent vapor-air mixture is ignited, estimation of radiation from thermal radiation generated depends upon number of factors. The point source model for the prediction of thermal radiation from liquid pool fires was adopted for the evaluation of the effect distances of Pool Fire we modified the simple point source model for calculation of the effect distances directly from the mass of flammable liquid in Pool Fire. The point source model considers the heat source (i.e. the flame) as a point that emits in all directions. The original model considers the heat received by the observer as a fraction of the heat of combustion multiplied by the burning rate. This heat decreases with the square of the distance from the source and with the transmissivity of the ambient air. In the presented model we implemented different possibilities of heat fraction calculation and we introduced the flame length in order to calculate the point source-target distance. Finally we do not consider the atmospheric stability as s constant but we introduced simple mathematical correlation and compare both the model with and without this parameter. The modified relationship was compared with experimental results and discussion of results is performed.

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