Mezinárodní konference „AHFE International konference 2008 Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics“

Ve dnech 12. 7. – 18. 7. 2008 se konala v USA, Las Vegas (stát Nevada) mezinárodní konference „AHFE International konference 2008 Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics“.

Za český Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i. se zúčastnili ředitel a vědecký tajemník RNDr. Stanislav Malý, Ph.D. a Ing. Miloš Paleček, CSc. Konference se zúčastnilo více než 800 vědců z celého světa, proběhlo 552 přednášek v 84 sekcích  a bylo prezentováno 64 posterů. Na společném úvodním plenárním zasedání byly prezentovány nejnovější trendy v oblasti ergonomie ve světle nových poznatků a světového vývoje a dále pokračovala konference po jednotlivých tématických sekcích (celý program viz příloha).

Zástupci VÚBP, v.v.i. vystoupili v sekci 20: M. Palecek and S. Maly „Impact of Human Factors on Technical Systems Failure“. Poster : S. Maly and S. Bernatíkova „Influence of standard microclimatic consequences on reliability of human factor performance in technical systéms“ (celý poster naleznete pod článkem).

Z konference existuje sborník textů vystoupení z konference, s kterým je možno pracovat v knihovně VÚBP, v.v.i.

Program (výběr)

Dr. Dylan Schmorrow, USA - Revolutions Colliding: The emergence of modern ergonomics, the pioneering of future ergonomics (Dr. Dylan Schmorrow is the Founder and Chairman of the Augmented Cognition International Society. Dr. Schmorrow is a Commander in the U.S. Navy and serves as the Executive Assistant to the Chief of Naval Research at the Office of Naval Research. He has also worked at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Naval Research Laboratory, andthe Naval Postgraduate School. In addition to his PhD. in Experimental Psychology, he also holds four Masters’ degrees ranging from operations analysis to philosophy.

SESSION 20: Impact of Human Factors on Technical Systems Failure
CO-CHAIRS: J. Sinay and I. Majer, Slovakia
13:30 - 15:30 ROOM: CAPRI
• Human factor as a significant aspect in risk prevention - J. Sinay and I. Majer, Slovak Republic
• Human limbs diagnostics by thermovision systems - J. Zivcak and Hudak, Slovak Republic
• Efficient tools for human factor reliability improvement in the nuclear power industry - M. Palecek and S. Maly, Czech Republic
• Human factors in occupational health and safety system of management - M. Vachova, Czech Republic
• The causes of failures and variations of technological processes considering the human factor - I. Bartlova, Czech Republic
• Human reliability in maintenance tasks - H. Pacaiova, Slovak Republic


SESSION 84: Modern Practices in Ergonomics
CHAIR: D. T. Ediraras, Indonesia
16:00 - 18:00 ROOM: SIENA
• JIT’s profitability effects of manufacturing firms listed at ISX - D. T. Ediraras and D. Yudiana, Indonesia
• Integrating ABC and EVA system in manufacturing company - D. T. Ediraras, S. E. Margianti, E. S. Suhendra and T. Saptariani, Indonesia
• Implementation model of world class manufacturing practices to develop small and medium Mexican size industrial enterprises - E. Espinoza, Mexico
• Proposing a methodology for analyzing the results of production tests - M. Pettendorfer and C. Mont’Alvăo, Brazil
• A method of quantitatively appraising strategy penetration in BSC - Y. Taguchi, M. Ota and T. Tabe, Japan
• Effectiveness of applying ergonomic concept in vacuuming activities - B. Wong and N. Lau, Hong Kong
• Application of REBA for ergonomic evaluation of rowers - A. Demaison and C. Mont’Alvăo, Brazil
• Increasing wood processing company’s productivity and competitiveness by implementing healthy environment and applying ergonomics - H. Kalkis, I. Rezepina, Z. Roja, V. Kalkis and A. Goldsteins, Latvia
• Evaluation of the muscle tone, elasticity and stiffness in relation to fatigue among geneticists using myometric method - Z. Roja, V. Kalkis, H. Kalkis, I. Roja and J. Svirksts, Latvia
• Safety and ergonomic problems on the clinical practice of gastrointestinal endoscopy - K. Shinohara, Japan
• Metrixx Vr, Ergonomic virtual laboratory - A. Vega, A. Coronado and M. Montano, Brazil
• Assessment and classification of cognitive decrements associated with high workload and extended work periods in a UAV setting - R. M. Schmidt, G. Wilson, I. Davis and M. Funke, USA
• Enhancement of cooperation between workers by using scanning displays - Y. Akiyoshi, M. Nakanishi and Y. Okada, Japan
• Ergonomics and function efficiency in Orthotic Design - R. Hudak and J. Zivcak, Slovak Republic
• Influence of standard microclimatic consequences on reliability of human factor performance in technical systems - S. Maly and S. Bernatikova, Czech Republic
• An investigation on user’s spatial knowledge and wayfinding strategy in virtual environment – A case study of Geotag and Earcon - C.-H. Chen, H.-M. Chang and C.-Y. Tsai, R.O.C.
• Ergonomic health management for preventing work-related injury - M.-H. Chen, Taiwan
• Predicting subjective perceptions of powered tool torque reactions based on work locations - J.-H. Lin and R. McGorry, USA
• An evaluation of comfort afforded by hearing protection devices - P. M. Arezes, C. Abelenda and A. C. Braga, Portugal
• A proposal of strategies that activates employees’ consciousness and motivation on human error management - K. Omori, J. Nakatani and Y. Okada, Japan
• Ergonomic evaluation of an alternative tool for cake decorating - C. Harris, B. Chen, I. Janowitz and D. Rempel, USA
• Usability of train ticket vending machines - K. Yamada and F. Ryoko, Japan
• The interference between visual load and stimulus-response spatial compatibility - J.-L. Doong, W.-S. Huang, C.-H. Huang and C.-C. Liu, Taiwan
• Alternatives to ANSI/ISO guidelines for developing graphical safety information - E. Wisniewski, S. M. Hall and J. J. Isaacson, USA
• Aesthetics and Product Warning Removal - J. J. Isaacson, S. M. Hall and E. Wisniewski, USA

Klikněte pro zvětšení

Poster "Influence of standard microclimatic consequences on reliability of human factor performance in technical system"

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