Ing. Dagmar Babčanová, PhD.

Managing companies is a complex process whose most difficult component is decision making. Decision making is one of the most significant activities, which are realized by managers at organizations. As competitive strain grows in markets of the European Union, no room for incorrect decision is to be created. At present time only companies with their managers bringing right decisions at right time can survive. Essential conditions for making these decisions are information as well as ability of managers to decide. The article emphasizes importance of information, methods (exact methods) used in making decisions by managerial employees – managers as well preparation of managers for decision making. The article uses outcomes from research task VEGA 1/2601/05 „Rozvoj podnikového manažmentu a rozhodovacích procesov v podmienkach integrácie“ („Development of company management and decision making processes in conditions of integration“, project leader: doc. Ing. Ľuboslav Szabo, CSc.), results are interpreted with no direct attendance of female authors of the article within given research. The article connects to article that was published in magazine JOSRA 1/2014 (The manager and making of decision - Manažér a rozhodovanie).

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